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The big question in classroom chairs….is the tablet a design failure or a complete success? Classrooms around the world remain divided as to whether the tablet chair is the answer to 21st century learning.


The tablet chair was designed as a mini mobile working station in which students had a desk, chair & storage space all in one. It was revolutionary! It meant students furniture took up less space in the classroom, re-arranging furniture was no longer noisy or disruptive, group work became easy & teachers were liking the flexibility in teaching methods.

In our experience with tablet chairs, we have found schools to be divided as to whether tablet chairs are the answer. Some embrace the idea, but still see the need for basic chairs & desks, others are repelled by the chairs & are hedged in traditional learning. At Civic Australia, we believe that every student needs the opportunity to work in furniture & surroundings that suit them. For example, a reserved student may prefer the tablet chair as it does not involve sharing resources, rather a secluded hub where they can work alone. It also provides the opportunity to move into group work when required.

We have seen classrooms filled with tablet chairs & successfully work with them. Some schools that could testify to this include Stuartholme School & Canley Vale High School.

Civic Australia offers a range of tablet Chairs, as seen below. Search each chair name in the search bar on the top right to find out more. Alternatively call 1800 228 877 for a quotation.
