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What makes a learning space inspiring? Is it the people, the atmosphere, the interior design, the furniture, the resources? At Civic Academia, we believe it is a harmonious balance of each factor that creates the inspirational learning spaces that the young adults of 2016 are coming to enjoy.

As the quote above suggests, a learning space that ‘Involves’ the student is the most productive method in which to ‘learn’. A collaborative environment that involves both teachers & students sharing thoughts, opinions, knowledge & ideas allows learning to flourish & grow, far better than a teacher-directed environment. In a teacher-directed environment, the creativity is limited to the imagination & knowledge of the teacher. In a collaborative classroom you achieve an even balance of teacher & student input which quickens the pace of learning & promotes effective communication on all levels.

We have created a list of factors that contribute to an Inpsiring Learning Space. Whether your looking at a new build or a classroom refurbishment, you’re sure to use some of the ideas listed below.



Apart from the practical (rubbish bins – you can even make these blend in) & WHS equipment, its time to remove anything that clutters the space & does not inspire learning. Simple. Studies have proved that removing the unnecessary (the rubbish) there is an increased time on task & improved test results.

2. MOBILISE THE FURNITURE (Where possible):

By mobilising the furniture you can quickly & easily transform the space from didactic teaching to collaborative groups in less than a minute. Everything possible needs to be on wheels! Furniture with a multi-use are also great – such as ottomans with USB ports or filing cabinets that double as a bench seat.


With all the technology available to schools today, there can be no reason why you wouldn’t in today’s modern classroom. From large plasma screens to small hand-held tablets & other devices, use technology to provide an innovative learning experience.


Studies have shown that the effect of colour as a first impression in a classroom is powerful. It affects the mood & it communicates messages. For example, greens & blues are calming where as red & yellow are motivtional & inspire action. Complimentary colours work well in a classroom & make a space inspiring. Make use of our in-house interior design service to enliven your space.


An adjustable height desk that can be deployed as a sit-down mechanism or stand-at mechanism. This multi-task use is great for focused individual learning & informal stand-up small group discussion. Ask us about the Savvy Desk HERE.


Stools are used to stimulate a good mix of standing & sitting. By achieveing this balance, you are adding to the engagement of the leg muscles in active learners allowing them to focus.


The modern-day slate that can be drawn up just as quoickly as it can be cleaned. Great for planning & collaboration the whiteboard allows students to freely brainstorm ideas while finalising the plan at their desk.


An important factor that can make or break an inpsiring learning space, no matter how colourful it is. The layout needs to promote both small collaboration, large group discussion, teacher consultation & promote exploration & initiative. At Civic Australia, we call it the Mode 3 approach. Read more about the Mode: 3 approach HERE.

We would be interested to hear how you created an Inspiring Learning Space.
If you would like to share it with us, please CLICK HERE.

PH: 1800 22 88 77

