At Civic, we believe that looking after your staff, is just as important as looking after your students.
Staff are the glue that holds the school together – they help improve & move the school forward.
Patrician Brothers College have mastered their strategy of care in the creation of the staff break-out area. VIEW MORE HERE.

It is essential to appreciate, that if we want the students to flourish, we need to foster the same level of care for the adults in their lives. Teachers not only teach. They’re there to support, offer advice & in some cases offer more than just student guidance. A great deal of emphasis is put on student well-being, however staff well-being can be overlooked.
Patrician Brothers College have created a break-out area that is in close proximity to the staffroom, classrooms & the outdoors. It houses a kitchenette & an array of lounges & chairs for staff to relax, collaborate & discuss the days plans. Staff can break in between classes to program lessons, chold meetings & discuss events with other staff.
The Office Administrator commented that ‘the teachers love it’. Its far more than a staff room, its a place where we hold weekly meetings & teachers can grab a coffee on the run. And from a visit there, you can tell its a great place to be!