“With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.”
- Dalai Lama

The word’s “Reaching Potentials” can be perceived in so many ways and so many aspects. Whether it be a personal achievement, a physical achievement or just any task you take on; the one common denominator between them all, is the fact that they all are aspiring to be their absolute best.
Civic Australia focuses strongly on any given space, running the extra mile to come out to site, discuss your needs, come up with a solution that works and then provide you with an interior design service for a ‘cherry on top’ of it all.
Check out the recent project at The Glennie School! From simple old-fashioned yellow chairs with basic timber tables, which only provided one working height, minimal dull colours and no fun flexibility for a wide variety of tasks.

And now just look at what it’s become…
A fun flexible learning environment entailing a diverse range of soft seating & hard seating, multiple working heights, small or large collaborative working zones, and the flexibility to switch it all up if needed.
Isn’t this just the ideal transformation? This school is just clear proof of how much you can maximise the potential in your school. Don’t hold back, let it be all it can be just like they did.
There may be a space in your school that is quiet, everybody just walks past because it is unappealing and unpractical – you know the one. Contact Civic Australia today and let us review that space for you. Allow us to transform that space, so it too, can reach its potential.
If you’re interested in letting your school be all it can be, call 1800 228 877 or email enquiries@civiciaustralia.com.au
Civic Australia for your school, “Reaching Potentials”.