School, style and sophisticated design…

For those who don’t want just one, why not have all three?
These three elements go hand in hand, and there is no reason why your school shouldn’t be stylish and sophisticated. When looking at a space, emphasis is often placed on the building and structure, letting the furniture be left behind. But what most don’t realise is, the furniture is what makes a space. It is the element to any design that gives it character, bringing the structural features to life.
Schools used to be a plainer environment, filled with simple, plain desks and chairs. Heading in an exciting twist, schools now incorporate function, style and most importantly an element of sophistication, to lift the overall presence. From egg chairs to sleigh soft seating to fun ottomans, you name it, this featured project sure ticks all the boxes
Marist Brothers College Kogarah achieved exactly that in their new furniture collection for this stunning space. Check it out here!
Civic Australia in sync with Marist College Kogarah, ‘Sophisticated Schooling’, so make a statement with your furniture. Flexible, modern furniture is the future of schools, so take that step and introduce a touch of sophistication to your school. Take it to the next level, and watch the atmosphere lift. Civic Australia specialises in classroom layout, design & furniture for the 21st century learning environment. Call 1800 228 877 or email us at to find out more.