From a friendly phone call, grew a breath-taking project to life. A project that sits in a beautiful building at The Springfield Anglican College. The Queensland College leaned on Civic Australia’s knowledge and experience to transform their library space into something greater.
Seeking a more sophisticated furniture solution, The Springfield Anglican College was intrigued to embrace Civic’s Mode 3 philosophy. After being presented design concepts, Civic put their heads together to finalise the design incorporating and utilising the feedback. Custom colours and finishes were sorted, and the production was carried out.
The Springfield Anglican College
Project Scope:
Interior Design, Furniture, Joinery
Student Level:
Collectively with Curved Bookcases, Concentric Units, Pod Banquette Units and Ottomans, the end result was magnificent. The outcome is a stunning project that is modern, strategic and encompasses the Mode 3 philosophy in a modern way.
Team Involved

Ben Rowland